Monday, 26 November 2012

Fungi Blog

On Friday, November 16 my Biology11 class and I went on a fungi hunt. We searched through Fleetwood Park in search of any types of living fungi. My partners were Doug and Akash. Througout the trip we found many different kinds of mushrooms, but we quickly realized that tthe average club fungi was the most common type. Also we found types of algae growing on the stumps of trees. It was very slimy and different shades of green and sometimes even yellow. What we learned in class that I ended up seeing was that jelly fungus comes in different colours. Also I leared that mushrooms have little spores underneath them which i saw in the park that they use to reproduce. The spores drift away by wind, water,animals etc. Another type of mushroom that we learned about in class and observed in fleetwood park was the one that grows outward on the side of trees which is called bracket fungi. Overall I feel the fungi hunt benfited all of the class because it gave us a chance to observe what we were taught in class.